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Affiliate marketing glossary: 140 terms you need to know about affiliate marketing

Explore our collection of key terms and concepts and discover the definitions of all the terms and concepts you need to know about affiliate marketing and online marketing.

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A/B tests

A/B comparative tests are experiments carried out to evaluate the performance of two different versions of an element, such as a web page. This methodology makes it possible to determine empirically which version generates the best results in terms of performance or response, by analyzing differences in the behavior of users subjected to each variant.

Affiliate Marketing / Affiliation

Affiliation or affiliate marketing is a collaboration between an advertiser and an affiliate. In this partnership, the affiliate promotes the advertiser's products or services to his or her audience, and receives a financial commission for each sale, visit or action carried out at the advertiser's site thanks to the affiliate.


Algorithms are sequences of instructions used to solve a problem or perform a particular task. In the context of data referencing and analysis, algorithms are essential for processing complex data sets and extracting meaningful information.


An advertiser is a company or individual that sells products or services and uses advertising and marketing strategies to promote them. Ads can be distributed through a variety of channels, such as online media, television, or the press.

API (Application Programming Interface)

An API is a set of rules that enable different software applications to communicate with each other. Often used to integrate third-party services, an API facilitates the exchange of data and functionality between different applications.

Feature articles

Feature articles are long, in-depth content, often educational, aimed at informing the reader about a specific topic. These articles provide detailed analysis to enhance understanding of a subject.

Articles de "bons plans

Bargain articles: Bargain articles are content highlighting specific offers, discounts or promotions on certain products or services. These articles highlight advantageous purchasing opportunities for readers, with an emphasis on bargains.


The audience refers to all users or visitors to a website, platform or media. Understanding your audience is crucial to tailoring content and marketing strategies to users' preferences and needs.

Tag desc

The "description" tag is used in HTML to provide a brief description of the content of a web page. This description is often displayed in search engine results, so it must be meaningful to the reader and make them want to click to read the content.

Title tag

The title tag is an HTML tag that defines the title of a web page. The content of this tag appears in the browser's title bar, and is also important for search engine optimization.

Beacons h

h tags are HTML title structure tags, ranging from h1 to h6. They indicate the importance and hierarchy of text on a web page, also influencing SEO.

HTML tags

Les balises HTML sont un ensemble de codes utilisés pour structurer le contenu d'une page web. Elles incluent des balises telles que <p> pour les paragraphes, <h> pour les titres, etc.

Banner blindness

Banner blindness" is a phenomenon where users unconsciously ignore online banner ads. This can result from frequent exposure to ads of this format.

Black Friday

Black Friday is a major sales day following the Thanksgiving holiday. It marks the start of the end-of-year shopping season, with numerous offers and promotions. In affiliate marketing, it's a key period for boosting affiliate revenues, provided you've prepared in advance.

Ad blockers

Ad blockers are browser applications or extensions that prevent the display of online advertisements. Internet users often use them to improve their browsing experience by reducing advertising interruptions.

Acquisition budget

The acquisition budget is the amount allocated to attracting new customers or users. It includes spending on advertising campaigns, promotions and other efforts to expand a company's customer base.

Editorial guarantee

Editorial endorsement represents the editorial responsibility to guarantee the quality, accuracy and legitimacy of published content. It plays a crucial role in preserving the credibility of a publication or website.

SSL certificate

An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is a security protocol for encrypting data between a user's browser and the web server. It is essential for ensuring the confidentiality of information exchanged online.


Churn represents the loss of customers or subscribers over a given period. It is used to assess the stability of a customer base.

SEO clusters

SEO clusters are groups of web pages linked by content or keyword similarities. This approach promotes better thematic understanding by search engines and improves a website's SEO.

CMS (Content Management System)

A CMS, or content management system, is a software platform that facilitates the creation, modification and management of websites. It enables users to manage content without requiring in-depth programming knowledge. The best-known CMS are WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Wix, Shopify and Squarespace.

Promo code

A promo code is an alphanumeric code that allows users to benefit from discounts when shopping online. It is entered during the checkout process to apply a specific discount.

Cost per share (CPA)

Cost-per-action (CPA) is the cost associated with a specific action, such as a purchase, registration or download, within an advertising campaign. It is calculated by dividing total costs by the number of actions carried out.

Cost per click (CPC)

Cost-per-click (CPC) is the amount paid by the advertiser for each click on an online ad. It is one of the most common pricing methods used in online advertising.

Cost per installation (CPI)

Cost-per-action (CPA) is the cost associated with a specific action, such as a purchase, registration or download, within an advertising campaign. It is calculated by dividing total costs by the number of actions carried out.

Cost per lead (CPL)

Cost per lead (CPL) is the amount paid by the advertiser for each lead generated by a marketing campaign. It measures the effectiveness of lead generation.


Crawlers are automated programs used by search engines to explore and index web pages. They crawl web content to analyze different websites and provide relevant search results to users.

CTR (Click Through Rate)

CTR (Click Through Rate): The click-through rate (CTR) measures the percentage of users who click on an ad in relation to the total number of displays. It is a key indicator of the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.

Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday is a day of online sales that follows Black Friday. It usually offers special discounts for online purchases.

Cyber Week

Cyber Week is a week-long period of online promotions, including Cyber Monday. It often features attractive offers to boost online sales.


Commission is the amount or percentage paid to an affiliate for each sale, action or conversion generated by their promotion of the advertiser's products or services.

Price comparison

Price comparison sites: Price comparison sites are websites or applications that enable Internet users to compare the prices of similar products or services. They make it easier to find the best deals on the market.


Comparatives are articles comparing different options, products or services. They provide detailed information to help consumers make informed decisions before making a purchase.

Affiliated content

Affiliate content is created by an affiliate to promote an advertiser's products. It can take the form of articles, videos or other formats designed to generate conversions.

Hot content

Hot content is content that is current and popular. They reflect current trends and generally arouse strong interest among the public.

Cold content

Cold, or evergreen, content is timeless and always relevant. Unlike hot content, it retains its relevance over time, building a lasting audience.


Content-to-commerce is a strategy aimed at creating content to support web users in their purchasing process and generate affiliate revenues for the media or content creator.


A conversion is an action performed by a user, such as a purchase, registration or download. Marketing strategies aim to increase conversion rates.

Tracking cookie

A tracking cookie is a small file stored on a user's computer, enabling the tracking of online activity. It is widely used in digital marketing to measure user behavior.

Cookie Pool

The cookie pool is the set of cookies collected by a website or platform. It represents the database of tracking information on users.


A couponer is a person or site specialized in finding and sharing discount coupons. These players help to inform consumers about savings opportunities.


Coupons are codes or vouchers used for online purchases. They offer special discounts or advantages to users.

CPMA (Cost per thousand displays)

CPMA, or cost per thousand displays, is the cost associated with a thousand advertising impressions. It measures the cost of delivering an advertisement to a thousand people.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

CRM (Customer Relationship Management): CRM, or Customer Relationship Management, is a system used to track and manage customer interactions. Its aim is to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Cross-device refers to the compatibility and tracking of user interactions across different devices. It enables a holistic view of the customer journey, even when using multiple devices such as a smartphone and then a computer.

CTA (Call to Action)

An incentive embedded in content, designed to encourage users to perform a specific action, such as clicking on a link, filling in a form, or making a purchase. CTAs are essential for guiding visitor behavior and converting engagement into measurable results.


Videos in which people film themselves unwrapping the purchased products they have just received, often used by influencers on social networks to share the experience with their audience.


The process of eliminating duplicate marketing data, such as conversion or click records. Deduplication ensures greater data accuracy and more reliable analysis of marketing performance.


A form of visual advertising comprising banners, pop-ups and other graphic formats displayed on websites. These ads are designed to attract users' attention and promote specific products, services or messages.


Business model where the retailer does not keep physical stock, but instead ships products directly from the supplier to the customer. This reduces storage and inventory management costs.

Cookie lifetime

Period during which a tracking cookie remains active on a user's computer. Cookies are used in online marketing to track user behavior and personalize experiences based on their previous actions.

E-cpc (average CPC)

Average cost per click for an online advertising campaign. It represents the average amount spent by the advertiser each time a user clicks on the ad.


A form of e-commerce involving the purchase and sale of goods or services online. Transactions are generally carried out via websites or electronic platforms.

Earnings Per Click (EPC)

A measure of the average revenue generated for each click on an affiliate ad. EPC is used to assess the profitability of an affiliate campaign.

Email Marketing

Use of e-mail for promotional or commercial communication purposes. Email marketing campaigns aim to establish and strengthen customer relationships, as well as to promote products or services.

Error 404

Message indicating that a web page could not be found. Error 404 occurs when the user tries to access a non-existent or deleted page.

Browser extensions

Modules added to a web browser to extend its functionality and offer additional features. These extensions can improve productivity, security or user-friendliness.

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FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) : Protocol for transferring files between a computer and a server. It facilitates file sharing and online content management.

French Days

A promotional event similar to Black Friday, but specific to France. During French Days, retailers offer substantial discounts to boost sales.

Deep link generators

Tools that create direct links to specific pages within a mobile application. Deep links facilitate user navigation and lead directly to the desired content.

Buying guides

Content providing detailed advice and recommendations to help consumers make informed decisions when purchasing specific products or services.


Words or phrases preceded by the pound sign (#) used on social media to group together similar content. Hashtags make it easier to find specific content and boost visibility on social platforms.


Service enabling a website to be stored and made accessible online. Hosting providers offer the servers and infrastructure needed to maintain site availability.


People with significant influence over an audience, often used in influencer marketing to promote products or brands. Influencers can reach a wide audience thanks to their credibility and commitment.

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LCEN (Law for confidence in the digital economy)

French law governing online activities, particularly in terms of service provider liability. The LCEN aims to regulate electronic transactions and guarantee user confidence.


A potential prospect who has expressed an interest in a product or service. Leads are potential customers who can be targeted in subsequent marketing campaigns.

Affiliate links

Unique links associated with an affiliate to track conversions and allocate commissions. Affiliate programs use affiliate links to reward partners based on sales generated.

Broken links

Hyperlinks that no longer work because the associated page has been removed or moved. Broken links can negatively affect a website's user experience and SEO.

External links

Links pointing to pages outside the website in question. External links contribute to a website's credibility and authority, but their quality is also important for SEO.

Internal links

Links to other pages on the same website. Internal links facilitate navigation, reinforce the site's structure and promote the sharing of "link juice" to improve SEO.

Deep links

Links leading directly to a specific page rather than to the home page. Deep links enhance the user experience by leading directly to the desired content.


Article presented in list form, often used for easy-to-navigate content. Listicles offer a concise way of presenting information while maintaining the reader's attention.

Live Shopping

Commercial practice where products are presented live via an online platform, enabling viewers to buy instantly. This approach combines e-commerce and real-time entertainment.

Internal linking

Strategic organization of links within a website to improve navigation and structure. Effective internal linking reinforces thematic coherence and guides users to relevant content.

White mark

Product or service sold by one company to another, which can then market it under its own brand name. White labeling enables a company to offer products or services without having to develop them in-house.

Audience mattresses

Audience pool on a website or advertising platform. An audience mattress represents a group of users who can be targeted for specific advertising campaigns or promotions.


Channels of communication used to transmit information, such as the press, television and the Internet. Media are the means by which advertising and promotional messages can be disseminated to a target audience.

Marketing mix

A marketing strategy based on the four fundamental elements of price, placement, packaging and promotion. The marketing mix aims to optimize these aspects to achieve sales objectives.

Search engine

Online tool for finding information on the Internet based on keywords. Search engines analyze and index web content, providing users with relevant results in response to their queries.


Specific terms used in online content to improve visibility in search engines. The judicious use of keywords contributes to better ranking in search results.


Advertising integrated into content in a natural way, adapting to the format and tone of the medium. Native ads blend seamlessly into the editorial environment, enhancing the user experience.


Specific, specialized segment of a market. Niches represent restricted sectors where companies can concentrate to meet the specific needs of a demographic group or product category.

ODR (Offers of reimbursement)

ODR (Offers of refund): A promotion where consumers can recover part of the purchase price after purchase. Refund offers encourage customers to make purchases by offering financial compensation at a later date.

Special offers

Temporary promotions or discounts on products or services. Special offers are often used to boost short-term sales and attract consumer attention.

Optin (SOI or DOI)

Optin (SOI or DOI): Explicit permission given by a user to receive communications, often by e-mail. Optin is an ethical marketing practice that ensures that promotional communications are only sent to people who have expressed their consent.

SEO optimization

The process of improving a website's visibility in search engines. SEO optimization involves adjusting various elements, such as keywords, site structure and content, to achieve better ranking in organic search results.

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Pillar page

The central page of a website, often rich in content and considered a reference in a specific field. Pillar pages play a key role in structuring content and improving SEO.


Google's ranking algorithm for evaluating the relevance of a web page. PageRank takes into account the number and quality of links pointing to a page to determine its relative importance on the web.

Medium basket

Average amount spent by a customer on a transaction. The average basket is a key indicator for assessing the profitability of an online store and guiding pricing strategies.


The process whereby an individual recommends a product or service to others, usually with a reward. Referrals play an important role in viral marketing, harnessing the power of word-of-mouth to extend the reach of products or services.

Payment Service Provider (PSP)

Payment service provider processing online financial transactions. PSPs facilitate electronic payments by providing secure and reliable solutions for merchants and consumers.


A Permalink is a permanent URL that points specifically to a particular piece of content on a website. It is designed to remain constant over time, making it easy to share and refer to specific content without the risk of future modification.

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor)

PHP is a widely used programming language, mainly for web development. It is often integrated into HTML code to create dynamic, interactive web pages, handling server-side requests.


Plugins are extension modules that add extra functionality to a software application or platform. These extensions can be used to customize and extend the capabilities of a system in a modular way.

Prime Day

Prime Day is a special day of sales organized on the Amazon platform. During this period, members of the Amazon Prime program benefit from exclusive discounts on various products.

Affiliate program

An Affiliate Program is a system where affiliates promote a company's products or services in exchange for commissions on sales generated by their promotional activity.

Pure player

A pure-player company operates exclusively online, with no physical presence in the real world. It focuses solely on online activities.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is the set of techniques designed to optimize a website's content and code to improve its ranking in search engine results. The aim is to increase the site's organic visibility.


Remuneration refers to the amount or financial compensation associated with a service, work or results obtained. This may include salaries, fees or other forms of payment.


Retargeting is an advertising strategy that specifically targets users who have already visited a website. Personalized ads are displayed to entice these users to return and perform a desired action.

Return on investment (ROI)

Return on investment is a measure of the profitability of an investment. It is generally expressed as a percentage, and represents the gain or loss in relation to the initial cost of the investment.

RSS (Really Simple Syndication)

RSS is a format for distributing content updates, commonly used for news feeds. It enables users to easily follow new publications on different websites.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is a set of techniques designed to improve a website's visibility in search engine results. This includes optimizing content, tags and other technical elements.

SERP (Search Engine Results Page)

A SERP is the page that displays the results of a search on a search engine. It presents links to the most relevant websites in response to a specific query.

Single Day

Single Day is a special day of sales promotions, similar to the Black Friday concept, where companies offer attractive discounts on their products.


Sourcing is the process of acquiring products, materials or services from different sources, looking for the best options in terms of cost, quality and availability.

S2S (Server-to-Server)

S2S, or Server-to-Server, refers to direct communication between servers without human intervention. This method is often used in online advertising to track impressions and clicks.


Streamers are people who broadcast live videos on online platforms. They can share content such as video games, live commentary or other real-time performances.

Editorial strategy

Editorial strategy involves planning and implementing a coherent plan for the creation, publication and management of content. The aim is to achieve specific results in terms of engagement and conversion.


Over-optimization: Over-optimization occurs when a website is excessively optimized for search engines, to the detriment of content quality. This can lead to sanctions by search algorithms.

Cancellation rate

The Cancellation Rate represents the percentage of transactions or actions cancelled in relation to the total number of transactions or actions undertaken. It is often used as an indicator of customer satisfaction and process efficiency.

Equipment rate

The Equipment Rate measures the number of products or services sold in relation to the total number of customers or users. It is an indicator of the popularity of a product or service.

Click-through rate

Click-through rate represents the percentage of users who click on a link in relation to the total number of users who have seen the link. It is often used in online advertising to assess the effectiveness of an ad.

Commission rates

Commission rate refers to the percentage or fixed amount received as commission on a sale or transaction. It is commonly used in affiliate and partnership programs.

Conversion rates

The Conversion Rate indicates the percentage of users who complete a desired action, such as a purchase or registration, in relation to the total number of users. It measures the effectiveness of a campaign or website.

Bounce rate

The Bounce Rate represents the percentage of users who leave a website after viewing a single page, without taking any further action. A high bounce rate may indicate a lack of engagement or content relevance.

Exit rate

Exit Rate measures the percentage of users who leave a specific page in relation to the total number of visitors to that page. It can be used to identify pages with potential for improvement.

Transformation rate

The Transformation Rate represents the percentage of visitors making a specific conversion compared to the total number of visitors. It measures the effectiveness of a conversion process or marketing campaign.

Reading time

Read Time represents the average length of time a user reads or consumes online content. It is often used to assess user engagement.

Commercial highlights

Commercial Highlights are specific periods when companies put forward promotional offers or events to boost sales. These can include sales, seasonal promotions or special events.

Test & Learn

Test & Learn is an approach that involves experimenting with different strategies, analyzing the results and learning from them to improve performance. It's an iterative method designed to optimize processes and results.

Product tests

Product Testing involves in-depth evaluation and analysis of products to assess their performance, features and benefits. These tests help consumers to make informed decisions when purchasing products.


Tracking is the systematic collection of data on online user behavior with the aim of analyzing and optimizing performance. It is widely used in digital marketing.

Cross-device tracking

Cross-device tracking consists in tracking user behavior across multiple devices, enabling a more complete view of the customer journey. This contributes to a more precise analysis of the user experience.


Traffic represents the flow of users visiting a specific website or page. It can be measured in terms of number of visitors, page views or other relevant metrics.


The URL, or Uniform Resource Locator, is the web address used to access a specific resource on the Internet. It uniquely identifies the location of an online page or file.

Tracked URLs

Tracked URLs are links with specific parameters that enable tracking and analysis of user behavior. This is often used in marketing campaigns to evaluate the effectiveness of distribution channels.

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Unique visitors (UV)

Unique Visitors represent the distinct number of individuals visiting a website over a given period, even if they consult the site several times. It's a measure of a site's real audience.


Widgets are interactive or informative elements integrated into a user interface, often as part of a website or application. They offer specific functionality without requiring direct interaction with the main application.


WordPress is a content management system (CMS) widely used for creating websites. It offers a user-friendly interface and great flexibility, enabling users to publish and manage online content efficiently.

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is a plugin for WordPress that helps optimize a website's SEO. It provides tips and tools for improving search engine visibility by optimizing the site's content and technical elements.

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