Where can I use Affilizz?

The Affilizz platform is available in English and French. However, you can create affiliate content for merchants in other countries. If a merchant is not available, please contact us to add it.

List of countries available on Affilizz

🇫🇷 France
Here's an example of content linking to French merchants.
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
Here is an example of content linking to English merchants
🇺🇸 United States
Here is an example of a button linking to an American merchant
🇧🇪 Belgium
Here is an example of a button linking to a Belgian merchant
🇩🇪 Germany
Here is an example of content linking to German merchants
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Over 100 media and content creators already use Affilizz

We've been using Affilizz since its inception, and the tool is constantly evolving to enable us to manage Xboxygen's affiliation as easily as possible.
You can monitor statistics in great detail and quickly create content. I recommend the Affilizz solution for media outlets that want to get involved in affiliation.

Thomas Nuttin
Founder of Xboxygen

Affiliation on YouTube is all about video descriptions. It's now much quicker and simpler to do so through Affilizz, especially during events such as French Days or Black Friday.

Mathis & Gauthier
Founders of FrenchHardware

Affilizz has simplified our affiliation management and opened up new opportunities in this field. Firstly, by centralizing merchant programs, making registration easier and performance tracking more effective.

Camille Teissèdre
Content to Commerce Manager

Expert advice on how to get the most out of your affiliate content

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