Optimizing your content

Affiliate marketing: what content will be most effective in 2024?

It's something we've been hearing about on the Internet for many years: content is king. This expression comes from the rules of natural referencing laid down by giants such as Google: the more a site contains quality content, and is regularly updated, the better it will perform. But beyond traffic, which content is most effective for generating affiliate income?

What is content?

Before going into the details of our article, let's take a look at what we call content.

Content can take many forms, including :

  • Articles: Informative articles or product reviews, with embedded affiliate links.
  • Videos: Videos, with affiliate links in the description or directly in the video content.
  • Publications on social networks: Posts on Instagram, Facebook, X (ex-Twitter), etc., including affiliate links.
  • Emails: Newsletters with affiliate links.

Although it's possible to generate earnings with videos, emails and social network posts, articles hosted on a website have the longest life and can therefore generate long-term income.

Here are four types of articles not to be overlooked in 2024 to make money with affiliation.

Our selection of the most effective affiliate content

Depending on your situation, you may have an affinity for one type of content rather than another. For example, if you're a bargain hunter, you might want to post as many deals as possible! However, it' s essential to vary your publications between "hot" (ephemeral) and "cold" (long-lasting) content. A good deal is considered hot content, because the offer on the product will quickly expire, whereas a buying guide is just the opposite: it remains valid over the long term, provided it's updated regularly. So it's the combination of these different types of content that will enable you to achieve good affiliate performance.

Buying guide: the must-have in affiliation

It's probably the most effective type of content in recent years, and it's here to stay in 2024! A buyer's guide is all about making your expertise known to your audience, so that they can buy the item or service they're looking for with complete peace of mind.

For example:

  • What's the best video game console in 2024?
  • How to choose your new laptop?
  • What are the best beauty products for our skin?
  • What's the best electric bike for the city?
  • Etc.

As you can see, a buyer's guide should compare products and highlight at least one of them in order to recommend its purchase (specifying why, of course). Before writing a buying guide, take the time to study the field and the products: your expertise must be palpable to recommend one product over another. Otherwise, your audience could lose confidence in you.

Detailed blog posts: let your expertise shine through

Speaking of expertise, it's possible to go even further in presenting a product by writing a detailed article. Here, it's not a question of comparing several products or services, but of presenting, or even testing, a particular product. Although blog articles are often used for this purpose, many specialized sites have also made a name for themselves in this field, such as Les Numériques, renowned for its in-depth tests like this one.

If you have a solid knowledge of a specific field, you can write blog articles to present and even recommend products. Of course, this requires hard work and a certain amount of personal rigor. However, by writing these types of articles on a regular basis, you'll be able to profit from your work through affiliation.

The listicle: bringing together the best products in a theme

While expertise is increasingly valued by Google and other search engines, it's still possible to produce other types of quality affiliate content in 2024. One of the most effective formats is the "listicle". Behind this term, which may seem new, lies a type of content very familiar to long-time web users: tops. This format, which has been popular for many years, is still a must.

Article titles are evocative and catchy. Here are a few examples:

  • Top 5 best graphics cards in 2024
  • The 10 best RPGs for Nintendo Switch
  • 7 must-have fashion accessories for summer 2024
  • Top 5 films of the year
  • Etc.

When you write a listicle, you don't necessarily need to demonstrate in-depth expertise on the products featured (although this is always an asset). Your aim is to create a ranking, purely subjective, and share it with your audience. Your main competitor might offer a different ranking, but it doesn't matter: highlighting the "best of" always generates interest among your audience.

The right plan: hot, viral content

If there's one type of content that gets people talking, it's the coupon! This content format has everything you need to encourage your audience to make a purchase: targeted products (only share deals related to your theme), attractive prices, a presentation of the product (ideally on your media, if not at the merchant's site), and, above all, a clear opinion from you on the relevance of the offer.

This sector is so buoyant that the Internet is teeming with good deals sites: behemoths like Dealabs, specialists like Mademoiselle Bon Plan for lifestyle, Dealsdugamer for video games, and even generalist sites that dedicate an entire category to them. In short, the bon plan is the ideal content for attracting new readers (especially via social networks) and building loyalty. If you can combine this type of content with more timeless articles (such as blog posts or buying guides), you've probably found the winning recipe for monetizing your media with affiliation.

In addition, Affilizz's Deals tool allows you to find products whose prices have dropped, by keyword, by category, by discount level... So you can quickly find the best deals to promote to your audience!

Affiliate promotions

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Key points to remember
  • Quality content, regularly updated, is crucial to a website's SEO and performance.
  • Articles on a website have a longer lifespan than videos or posts on social networks, and can generate long-term revenue.
  • It's essential to combine "hot" (ephemeral) and "cold" (long-lasting) content for better affiliate performance.
  • If you had to choose just 4 types of article for affiliate marketing in 2024, they would be shopping guides, listicles, good deals and, finally, detailed articles. If you'd like to explore all the different types of affiliate content, this article should interest you.
  • Your articles need to be optimized for SEO: here's how.


In summary, the affiliate landscape in 2024 highlights the crucial importance of quality content in generating sustainable revenue. Articles, videos, social media posts and emails remain effective vectors, but articles on a website stand out for their ability to maintain a steady stream of revenue.

Content diversification is essential, juggling "hot" and "cold" content to ensure optimal performance. Buying guides, detailed articles, listicles and good deals are emerging as essential strategies.

Whether it's sharing your expertise through a buying guide, offering in-depth analysis in blog posts, creating attractive rankings with listicles, or unearthing the best deals with vouchers, the key lies in relevance, credibility and consistency.

By combining these approaches and tailoring them to your area of interest, you can create a strong content ecosystem that not only attracts your audience's attention, but also builds loyalty, paving the way for effective monetization through affiliation.

About the author
Vincent Alzieu
General Manager

After successfully managing several companies in the tech world (Les Numériques, Doctissimo, Au Féminin...), Vincent Alzieu joined Affilizz as late co-founder in 2022 to bring his experience of media and affiliation.‍

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