Affiliate marketing techniques

What themes are suitable for affiliation?

There is a wide range of themes for affiliate marketing. Retailers and major brands all offer affiliate programs, as do companies in the banking, insurance and investment sectors. Leisure activities such as high-tech, shopping, travel, video games, going out and sports are also popular areas for affiliation.

💡 Sectors such as drug sales and online gambling are regulated. The sale of weapons, drugs and prostitution are prohibited by law.

Why is choosing the right sector important?

The key in 2 words: "specialize!" Be credible, and reliable.

It's important to choose your sector carefully if you want to become an affiliate, as this can have a significant impact on the success of your business. Competition on the Internet is fierce, and many affiliates are experts in their segment. Trying to compete with in-depth content by skimming over subjects usually leads to a dead end.

What's more, sites that manage to cover several themes have generally industrialized their content production to produce both quantity and quality. So it's best to concentrate on a sector you know and are passionate about, to increase your chances of success.

Example of a sports product test
Sport is an interesting subject for affiliation, as it appeals to a very broad target group, and products in this sector can boost the price of an average shopping basket.

How to choose the right theme for affiliation?

It's important to understand that you can't sell just anything to just anyone. To succeed in affiliation, you need to identify the audience interested in the products you want to recommend. Because you can't cover every subject, focus on the ones you know best. The content you produce will then have an added value that will be your main advantage in building a loyal audience.

Once you've identified the area in which you're most competent, it's a good idea to look for niches within that sector. For example:

  • In the sports sector, you can give advice to trainers and sell equipment to clubs.
  • In creative hobbies, you can offer ideas for activities to be carried out in the classroom and sell materials in half-wholesale.
  • In Hi-fi, you can recommend specific cables for better audio or video performance.
  • In finance, you can give advice to investors with moderate budgets who wish to place their money in low-risk products.
  • In online games, you can give tips on how to progress on an online game to acquire and retain an audience that will earn you money for their registration and especially for in-game purchases.

There are many relevant topics in all fields of activity. The aim is to maximize the use of specific topics, for potential buyers, on important purchases that justify seeking advice upstream, from you.

What are the most profitable niches for affiliation?

To maximize your return on affiliate investment, it's important to target the niches with the highest potential returns. There are two types of profitable niches: those that generate a lot of volume on programs that pay little, such as game registrations, and those with higher average baskets, with fewer sales but much higher commissions. Here are a few examples of interesting affiliate niches:

  • When it comes to technology, hi-fi is an interesting niche, because the products are very expensive, and audiophiles and cinephiles are willing to invest in quality rendering.
  • The telephony sector is also relevant, both for volume and for the average shopping basket, which in France in 2022 was €446. However, the sector is highly competitive, so it's important to find the right angle to maximize profits.
  • In B2B, professional leads can be very lucrative. A single lead per day at €150 can bring in just over €4,000 a month.
  • Automotive is a highly varied segment, offering numerous affiliation opportunities, such as the sale of parts or accessories (CPA), circuit driving programs (CPL) or requests to test-drive new vehicles with manufacturers (CPL).
  • DIY is also a popular sector, offering a wide variety of products at attractive prices. A top-of-the-range drill can cost around €300, an investment that regular DIYers are willing to make.
  • Childcare can also be a profitable field, as buyers are willing to spend more to ensure their children's safety.
  • Finally, small electrical appliances are an interesting area for affiliation: products such as food processors, multi-function food processors or hair dryers are ideal subjects. Buyers are ready to invest in these appliances to improve their daily lives.
Affiliate price list
High purchase baskets are aimed at fewer people, but generate much higher commissions.
The ultimate guide to creating a niche site
Download our ebook and discover the 180 most profitable affiliate programs
Key points to remember
  • Almost all sectors of activity are represented in affiliation.
  • To maximize your chances of success, it's important to choose a subject you're familiar with.
  • Niches can be very profitable in terms of income.
  • Conclusion

    It's important to understand that affiliation is an acquisition channel present in all sectors of activity. To be successful, it's crucial to target your core audience and choose a theme that you know perfectly well. This will enable you to concentrate on the most profitable niches in terms of revenue and avoid spreading yourself too thin.

    About the author
    Vincent Alzieu
    General Manager

    After successfully managing several companies in the tech world (Les Numériques, Doctissimo, Au Féminin...), Vincent Alzieu joined Affilizz as late co-founder in 2022 to bring his experience of media and affiliation.‍

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